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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Scjp Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 by kathy sierra and bert bates review

Sun certified programmer for java 5 review

authors : Kathy sierra,Bert bates

Kathy Sierra: she has been interested in learning theory since her game development career. As part of that she took this head first methodology of teaching and she succeeded in that.

She successfully wrote so many java books by using head first methodology. one of them ,

Head first design patterns won awards like Jolt award and was in the list top ten books of

She is a member of development teams of so many sun certified java examinations. she is also the founder of one of the largest java community websites

Bert Bates:

He is a software developer and architect. He also interested in learning theories and artificial intelligence. Like Kathy sierra he is also member of the sun's java certification exams development teams.

He is also founder of the great java community website


1 . declaration and access control

2 . object orientation

3 . assignments

4 . operators

5 . Flow control , Exceptions , and assertions

6 . String , I/o,formatting , and parsing

7 . generics and collections

8 .inner classes

9 . Threads

10 .Development

review and summary

first chapter contains 4 objectives namely 1.1,1.2,1.3 and 1.4

1.1 says what are the class declaration rules and access modifiers and how they have to be used.

1.2 explains class modifiers like abstract,final,strictfp and details of interface implementation

1.3 describes local variables ,other modifiers like synchronized,variable declaations , array declarations and it also includes java 5 feature enum

like array declaration should not contain include size and enum may contain constructors and local variables.

1.4 explains static variables and methods and also includes java5 feature var-args like var-args must be the last parameter in a method.

second chapter contains 6 objectives namely 5.1,5.2,1.5,1.6,5.4 and also includes previous chapter objectives 1.2 and 1.3

5.1 says what is encapsulation , IS-A and HAS-A relationship and also explains coupling and cohesion

5.2 explains polymorphism and reference variable casting

5.4 explains overloading and overriding,constructors and instantiation.

1.5 describes overloading and overriding and return types.

1.6 says about constructors and instantiation

Third chapter contains 4 objectives namely 7.3 ,7.4 ,3.1 and 7.6 and also includes previous chapter objectives 1.5,1.3 and 5.4

7.3 says how to pass variables into methods.

7.4 describes what is garbage collection and how it happens.

7.6 explains scope ,basic assignments ,using a variable and array element that is uninitialized and unassigned.

3.1 says how to use wrappers and when to use boxing and unboxing.

whole fourth chapter contains only single objective called 7.6 which is also been discussed in the previous chapter

topics covered under 7.6 objective are :

realtion operators

instanceof operator

arithmetic operators

String concataion operators

increment and decrement operators

Ternary and logic operators

Fifth chapter contains 6 objectives namely 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5 and 2.6

2.1 says how to use if and switch statements

2.2 describes how to use loops and how to use break and continue.

2.3 explains assertion mechanism java1.4 feature.

2.4,2.5 and 2.6 explains how to handle exceptions.

sixth chapter contains 5 objectives namely 3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4 and 3.5

3.1 describes string,stringbuilder and stringbuffer.

3.2 explains File I/O.

3.3 describes serialization.

3.4 analyses Dates,Numbers and Currency

3.5 explains parsing, tokenizing and formating

seventh chapter contains 5 objectives namely 6.1,6.2,6.3,6.4 and 6.5

6.1 describes collections and key attributes of collections.

6.2 explains hashcode() and equals() methods

6.3 says how to use collection classes

6.4 explains generics java 5 feature

6.5 tells how to sort and search lists and arrays and describes utilities in collections and arrays.

eightth chapter does not contain any objectives but covers 4 topics namely

1.inner classes

2. method local inner classes

3.anonymous inner classes
4. static nested classes

ninth chapter contains 4 objectives namely 4.1,4.2,4.3 and 4.4

4.1 says how to define ,instantiate and start threads.

4.2 describes thread state transitions and sleep,yield and join.

4.3 explains thread deadlocks,concurrency and synchronization

4.4 describes how objects communicate with the help of wait and notify.

tenth chapter contains 3 objectives namely 7.1 , 7.2 and 7.5

7.1 says how to use static imports

7.2 describes how to use java and javac

7.3 explains JAR files how to search by using java and javac and also explains packaging and searching.

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